Monday, November 4, 2013

Drawing Update!

Good morning, afternoon, and evening lovely people of Earth! Welcome to Arena 5!

Today I got some minor drawing updates. I have been fiddling around with a couple of different things, and I'm starting to realize that perhaps I need to step out of my comfort zone with a couple of things, it makes some interesting results! For example...

Hime changed a little bit. Since I could remember, women have always been my weak point when it comes to cartooning. I could never grasp the concept of womanly figures, shapes, curves, etc. But by god, I think I finally got it! (Maybe...) She looks a hell of a lot cuter than she used to, which was what I was going for! Also played with hair styles, like if she were to put her pigtails down, and I'm pretty happy with that as well! I'm going to fiddle with women's figure now, and see what I can do, but I think I finally got the face down. Finally.

But other than that, I've been working with the fellas as well, more importantly, Corey. I swear, he is the one character that has gone through the MOST changes since I started the project. He's had over two overhauls so far!

Corey went through some minor changes. I've noticed that his facial structure looked too similar to Ark, so I changed a couple things. And Corey is looking great too!

But there was one thing about BOTH characters that I noticed... they had no color to them. Hime wore a black shirt, black pants... Corey wore a black hoodie, black pants... this had to change! So I drew out a quick sketch of both of them, and fiddle with colors on Fireworks... and after nearly four hours of mixing colors and frustration. I did it.

You would not believe how happy I was to finally get this done. Needless to say, these two characters have been my main focus for a while, since they desperately needed a makeover, and I think I'm happy with how they stand! Woohoo!

Next up... more storyboarding!

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